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Nutrition for Concussion Recovery? Yes!
A concussion (also known as a mild traumatic brain injury) is caused by a hit to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly...

Enjoy the sun...safely!
Summer is around the corner, and we all know what that means; time to layer up on sunscreen to block the sun’s UV rays. When it comes to...

Your body is amazing and it's time to take control!
Jacob and Montana follow and apply the Wim Hof Method (WHM) as frequently as possible in their personal and professional lives. - There's...

Elemental Parenting
Am I doing the right thing for my child? Have you ever wondered whether your making the right decisions for your child? Or whether you’re...

Breastfeeding MAY Protect Against PPD...
BUT WHAT IF YOU’RE AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE? Check out this great article from "I clearly remember the moment our...

Abdominal Scar Tissue: Symptoms and Treatment
Chronic abdominal pain is common in patients who have had c-sections, appendix removal, hernia repairs, reproductive surgeries and...

What is Cupping?
So you’ve all heard of this mysterious cupping, or maybe in conversation you’ve heard us raving about it. Some famous folks like Olympic...

Happy January! New Year, Same You
Now that it is officially Winter and officially 2019, let's talk about cultivating Yin and focusing in on what you already have instead...

November at GFFW
30 Days of Gratitude. November can be this beautiful time of togetherness. So, why not make the most of it this year? To help you find...

This is it folks. It's finally here! October is the time of year when we begin to hunker down and prepare for winter. This is the...
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