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IVF Optimization and Support

Studies have shown again and again that Acupuncture can increase IVF success rates dramatically, in some cases up to 60% over the norm.


Rest assured, you have found the most compassionate and experienced clinic with an incredibly long track record helping IVF patients of all ages successfully conceive and give birth to healthy babies.


Our unique blend of acupuncture along with expert guidance on supplements and diet specific to optimizing the IVF process has evolved over the last decade to where we are now one of the top IVF acupuncture clinics in Northern Colorado. As a result of the effectiveness of this highly refined process, over 70% of the patients we see who are undergoing IVF end up giving birth to healthy babies.


Success of IVF (and IUI) depend just as much on the state of your body as does success without these techniques. Healthy response to drugs, optimum egg quality, and a receptive uterine lining are essential for a high probability of pregnancy and healthy delivery of a baby. By incorporating our unique process combining acupuncture, stress-reduction, lifestyle and dietary guidance along with very specific nutritional supplementation, your chances of success are maximized to the fullest.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

How much time do you need to prepare?
It is never too late to begin treatment to help increase your chances with IVF. The miracle of conception and pregnancy doesn’t have a fixed timeline. The important thing to understand is that by doing something extra to ensure that your body can respond more effectively, you can only increase your chances. No matter where you are in your process — whether you are doing IVF in a few months or a few days — we do our best to get you on track and ready.

We have had many patients who started treatment with us just before or even during their stimulation phase who were finally able to have a successful IVF cycle after multiple failures.

And, we have had those that needed more time to prepare before pregnancy was achieved. Your situation depends on many factors and the best thing you can do is request your free consultation with us right away and let us help you get into a more conscious, proactive mode as soon as possible. We help you do that with our experience and accuracy in detecting and correcting issues that can affect your outcome.

So, even if you are planning your cycle next month, next week, tomorrow, or have already begun, our IVF success program will be of immeasurable benefit. Whatever you can do to bring greater balance and harmony to your body will go a long way to making your cycle as successful as possible.

Why have so many people trusted us to help them succeed?

Here are just a few reasons…


Specialized Care

We know exactly what your doctor is doing, and we know how to follow each phase of your process to get the most out of it, including optimal egg quality, optimal fertilization, and optimal implantation. Then, we ensure things stay calm and balanced during the first trimester so your chances of a live birth are maximal.


Trusted by Doctors

Colorado’s top IVF doctors and their nurses refer their patients to us for a reason. We take great care of you – AND we help you get great results.


Proven Track Record

We’ve helped hundreds of couples of all ages conceive healthy babies (both IVF and non-IVF). And 80% of our IVF patients end up with a healthy baby.

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We Understand Your Situation

We know IVF can be a stressful process for some. We help you deal with that while at the same time dramatically improving your chances of a healthy baby. Also, we are organized, efficient, and responsive – no extra stress here!

Our ultimate goal is to get you to yours!



See What Your Friends Are Saying

Angela D

I found Montana and Glenn Family Wellness as a last ditch effort to see a different perspective. We’d been trying for our third child; we’d done two IVF embryo transfers and had been pregnant twice and miscarried twice in the five months prior. I was weary. Montana instantly gave me a renewed hope. With confidence and kindness, she advised my husband and I on treatments and within 6 weeks, we were pregnant. Like, the “regular” way. I couldn’t believe it. We’ve never made a baby that “stuck” on our own in our 7 years of building our family. But boom. A baby. More than that, Montana and Jacob provide next-level care to all they see. You feel SEEN. It’s therapy and physical wellness all rolled into one because the amount of love they pour into their patients. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for the part you’ve played in our journey.

Your initial consultation is free. Come meet us in person and learn more.





Or, just call 970-305-4189 and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

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Fort Collins' Premier Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic 



211 W. Myrtle St Suite 104 Fort Collins CO 80521


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