September is Magical
September is Magical.
This is the BEST most underrated time of year. Not only is it Montana's Birthday Month but it is that time of year in our neck of the woods when the winds change, the Earth starts to subtly shift, and we turn inward. Beautiful, Soulful September.
Change is good. Reflection & Change is Better.
September is when we begin to feel the subtle shift toward reflection and the subsequent changes that follow. When we are more mindful of the influence that these subtle shifts can have on us, we can then utilize that energy shift to serve us better and propel us forward.
This is the time to gather--thoughts, feelings, people--gather the things we need and make room for all that may come. Spring cleaning is one thing but an Autumn mindful preparation is where it's at! Our energies push us to reflect and change to be better and do better. Your momentum starts now.
Ikigai is the Japanese concept of finding happiness and purpose. "Like the Danish word hygge, there’s no simple, direct translation into English for the Japanese word ikigai. It roughly means the “thing that you live for” or “the reason for which you get up in the morning.” In a nutshell, it encompasses the idea that happiness in life is about more than money or a fancy job title.
It’s easiest to think about ikigai as an intersection, the common ground between:
What you love
What you care about
What the world needs
What you can get paid for
Ikigai has a few essential qualities that separate it from the “follow your passion” truism as we conceive of it in Western culture:
It’s challenging. Your ikigai should lead to mastery and growth.
It’s your choice. You feel a certain degree of autonomy and freedom pursuing your ikigai.
It involves a commitment of time and belief, perhaps to a particular cause, skill, trade, or group of people.
It boosts your well-being. Ikigai is associated with positive relationships and good health. It gives you more energy than it takes away.
In some sense, an ikigai can serve as a compass to navigate both career and life decisions, which it seems people crave for now more than ever.
Before you think this sounds too pie-in-the-sky, consider what one researcher noted: ikigai is often not something grand or extraordinary. What better way, then, to discover a sustainable passion than by finding your ikigai?" Now is the ideal time to look deeper. Find your ikigai and start living the life you want now. Tap into the magic that is Fall & tap into the magic that is YOU.