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Repair Nerves & Relieve Pain Naturally

Our bodies deal with sickness and damage in many different ways. Sometimes they can manifest in obvious ways—while at other times, not so much.

This is especially the case with nerve health.

More importantly, the biggest threat to nerve health, nerve damage, can go easily unseen and unnoticed. It can also go misdiagnosed or confused with a whole bunch of other different problems.

It can also emerge as many different types of issues that, at first, may not seem connected at all, such as emotional mood disorders and pain. Though the deeper one looks, the connection is there, because all symptoms stem from the nervous system—which governs the nerves.

Nerve Damage: How does it Happen?

Nerves in the body are mostly unseen. So how can they ever be damaged, especially without one noticing?

The answer is surprising, but also not that surprising.

Because, more often than not, nerve damage is caused by very similar types of harmful occurrences in the body that are hard to detect a lot of the time, or which most people may easily overlook. Nerve damage (also called neuropathy) is also way more common than people might think.

Most likely causes of nerve damage include:

  • Old age (natural deterioration)

  • Genetics

  • Blood pressure issues and other blood-related issues

  • Diseases that cause chronic inflammation

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Trauma (such as concussions)

  • Kidney disorders

  • Alcoholism

  • Chemotherapy

  • Certain medications

  • Chemical weapons like Agent Orange

  • Nutrient deficiencies (especially vitamins)

These are certainly not all the possible causes. There may be many others.

What are some symptoms of nerve damage?

Perhaps more vital than knowing what causes nerve damage is how to recognize it. For this, getting acquainted with signs and symptoms is a must.

These may range from very subtle issues to larger, more obvious problems with health that are much harder to ignore.

Early detection to help reduce further nerve damage is key.

If something is causing nerve damage in the body, it’s very likely going to continue causing more damage as soon as it starts, and thus create more symptoms and other health problems.

Most likely symptoms of nerve damage include:

  • Difficulty coordinating or moving body/limbs

  • Less automatic reflexes

  • Less dexterity (ability to move fingers)

  • Tingling, numbness, and “burning” sensations

  • Worsening issues with pain

  • Inability to feel pain

  • Muscle twitching and/or weakness

  • Frequent falling or fainting

  • Dizziness and/or brain fog

  • Cramps and spasms

  • Irregular heart rate or blood pressure

  • Digestive issues (including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)

  • Reproductive issues

  • Kidney issues (decreased sweating, urinary problems)

Keep in mind that these may not all be possible signs of nerve damage. Having one or two of these doesn’t mean that nerve damage is the issue, either.

If experiencing a good handful of these symptoms (or all of them) however, be sure to visit a doctor or healthcare professional as soon as possible to look into nerve damage or other possible causes.

Natural Nerve Repair with Herbs & Mushrooms

For an issue that can cause so many symptoms, the truth may come as a shock to some: there aren’t many ways to help heal, reverse, reduce the risk of, or support nerve pain or neuropathy.

In fact, most doctors will recommend over-the-counter pain relievers for pain, but little else (besides typical lifestyle change recommendations that help illnesses causing these symptoms). In other cases, pharmaceuticals may be prescribed, but with a risk of side effects.

Are there natural options that could enhance support and basic nerve health?

If one were to ask a traditional healer or herbalist, their answer would be yes; while some scientific researchers would be likely to say yes, as well. The following are some of the best-researched natural herbs and mushrooms that are known to support nerve health, and which could thus help heal nerve damage.

Other Ways to Reduce Risk of Nerve Damage

Many herbs and mushrooms could possibly provide support for those experiencing nerve damage, but there’s much more than can be done.

What’s more, research on these botanicals are still in the early stages.

None have yet been solidly proven to heal nerve damage, though they may support the healing process. In the meantime, and in addition to these natural options, here are some other tips that may help reduce nerve damage risk.

  • Control blood glucose (if a person has diabetes)

  • Be cautious while exercising

  • Eat a healthy and diverse diet

  • Avoid traumatic injuries and wounds to nerves and nervous system

  • Watch for chronic inflammation

  • Take in plenty of antioxidants

  • Follow doctor’s recommendations if involved with a major health condition

  • Quit smoking

  • Avoid alcohol

  • Get plenty of high quality sleep

What Conditions Involve Nerve Damage?

More likely than not, one’s nerve damage (or risk of nerve damage) is related to a more major health disorder, condition, or illness. Even if it may not seem like it can be related to nerve damage doesn’t mean that it should be underestimated.

If a person has any one of the following conditions, they may be at a higher risk of experiencing nerve damage. In these cases too, and in addition to lifestyle changes and use of natural remedies, be sure to discuss options with a doctor or keep an eye out on the symptoms of nerve damage if one of these is present.

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Autoimmune Disorders (like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Thyroid Conditions

  • Kidney Disease

  • Liver Disease

  • Alcoholism

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Cancer

  • HIV

  • Digestive Disorders

  • Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

See What Your Friends Are Saying

Angela D

I found Montana and Glenn Family Wellness as a last ditch effort to see a different perspective. We’d been trying for our third child; we’d done two IVF embryo transfers and had been pregnant twice and miscarried twice in the five months prior. I was weary. Montana instantly gave me a renewed hope. With confidence and kindness, she advised my husband and I on treatments and within 6 weeks, we were pregnant. Like, the “regular” way. I couldn’t believe it. We’ve never made a baby that “stuck” on our own in our 7 years of building our family. But boom. A baby. More than that, Montana and Jacob provide next-level care to all they see. You feel SEEN. It’s therapy and physical wellness all rolled into one because the amount of love they pour into their patients. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for the part you’ve played in our journey.

Your initial consultation is free. Come meet us in person and learn more.

Or, just call 970-305-4189 and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

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Fort Collins' Premier Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic 



211 W. Myrtle St Suite 104 Fort Collins CO 80521


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