Reduce Pain & Inflammation Naturally
Craig PENS Acupuncture
Craig PENS Acupuncture, also known as percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is another modern technique used to use electrical stimulation to the Acupuncture points in an Acupuncture session. Acupuncture is a Chinese Medicine therapy that involves inserting tiny needles through the skin to certain areas of the body, with the treatment goal of healing disease. How do we sustain disease and pain in the first place?
According to experts in Chinese Medicine theory, our body has 14 invisible channels that run through our body. In these channels, known as Meridians, energy flows normally and without blockage when we are healthy and full of vitality. These 14 energy channels make up our Qi or life force. We feel good when the energy channels are flowing without obstruction. When there is an obstruction to the flow of energy, we may feel pain or the symptoms of disease. While these theories sound a little outlandish, there are a lot of scientific hypothesis that can be made when using Acupuncture techniques and treatments. While these Meridian energy fields can't be seen by the naked eye or in medical images, practitioners of this science have detailed maps of the paths these channels take as they pass through the body. Based on the signs and symptoms of the patient's medical condition, Acupuncturists may make specific predictions of which Meridians are affected. Acupuncturists may then try to restore the flow of energy in the blocked channels by stimulating certain points, called Acupuncture Points. Many of these acupuncture points are located in the surface of the skin to be stimulated. Acupuncture involves the stimulation of these Acupuncture points through the insertion of tiny needles. These needles are solid and very thin, unlike the much larger hypodermic needles we are all familiar with. Most patients do not report pain, related to the needle insertion, but rather a warmth or tingling sensation. Many people report the sensation to be relaxing. Some people may report that they begin to experience pain relief shortly after the needles go in. Other patients may only experience pain relief after several therapy sessions. Thus far, we have discusses Acupuncture therapy sessions that only involve the application of Acupuncture needles. This treatment alone may be sufficient to provide patients with significant pain relief. Other Chinese Medicine treatments involve the use of multiple therapies being applied simultaneously to the same Acupuncture points. One example of a complementary therapy for Acupuncture is Moxibustion. Moxibustion involves the application of an herb (dried mugwort) that is placed directly on the acupuncture points or near them where it may be burned as a type of healing incense. This herb may be burned with its smoking end placed close to the acupuncture points, or it may be burned and placed directly on the points while it is still smoldering. Craig PENS Acupuncture:
Craig PENS Acupuncture is a form of this treatment where electrodes are attached to the Acupuncture needles to provide electrical stimulation to the acupuncture points. This treatment is also known as Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. There are some subtle differences between therapy sessions that involve electrical nerve stimulation and traditional acupuncture techniques. With the Craig PENS technique, the needles are placed more in line with the spinal nerves than with the traditional Meridians. Interestingly, the pathway of the spinal nerves of the lower back and sciatic nerve closely mirror the Meridians channels that run from the back and travel down the leg. This treatment has a good history with providing back pain relief related to compression of the sciatic nerve. The spinal nerves L4 through S3 combine to form the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back, through the thigh, leg, and foot. Irritation or compression at any point along this nerve may cause pain, nerve sensation loss, or muscle weakness along the nerve. Craig PENS Acupuncture is good for treating low back pain conditions in which the leg is also affected. These treatment sessions involve the placement of needle electrodes in the lower back and down the leg along the path of the spinal nerve. The electrodes are connected to a machine that acupuncturists can use to adjust the frequency and intensity of the electric currents. The electrical current is maintained at various intensity levels for about 20 minutes. Patients will have their therapy sessions once every few days.